Bang the Trump slowly, Jeer the Rump loudly
To dust he’ll be returning, as from dust he began
Bang the Trump slowly, and speak of things unholy
Like collusion, extortion and disgraceful Russian loyalty.
Bang the Trump slowly, Jeer the Rump loudly
Call out cries and boos, then pretend its fake news
No fans in D.C. to cover their eyes or buy up your ties
Just a stadium of Americans fed up with your lies
Bang the Trump slowly, Jeer the Rump loudly
Your impeachment, oh yes, will resound thru the ages
Fool that you were, mistaking yes-men for sages
Men like Rudy, Barr and Pompeo did you no favors
For impeachment, you’ll learn, comes in all flavors
Bang the Trump slowly, cheat the piper lowly
Join Nixon, Clinton and Johnson to make four
It’s not golf that you’re playing,
Just your country you’re betraying
Have you no self-respect, no honor or shame?
Or was the presidency to you just another con game?
Bang the Trump slowly, Jeer the Rump loudly
To dust he’ll be returning, as from dust he began
And America will then wipe the dust from our hand.