(Sung to the Tune “Give Peace A Chance)

The Unity Slate, which has banded together to put a headlock on the makeup of the Cambridge city council
(F-BOMB ALERT: The following satirical lyrics contain a thinly-disguised F-Bomb. Read at your own discretion!)
Ev’rybody’s talkin’ ’bout
F.A.R.’S, lots of cars, noisy bars, packed subway cars
Me-ism, my-ism,
All we are saying—give Cambridge a chance!
All we are saying—give Cambridge a chance!
Ev’rybody’s talkin’ ’bout
City towers, commutes for hours, fewer flowers,
All our worst fears
All we are saying—give Cambridge a chance!
All we are saying—give Cambridge a chance!
Ev’rybody’s talkin’ ’bout
Greedy petitions, gentrified visions,
Selling their convictions
All we are saying—give Cambridge a chance!
All we are saying—give Cambridge a chance!
Ev’rybody’s talkin’ ’bout
Zoning giveaways, gridlocked roadways
Poor folks…
Being chased away!
All we are saying—give Cambridge a chance!
All we are saying—give Cambridge a chance!
Ev’rybody’s talkin’ ’bout
Maher and Toomey looking gloomy,
Nobody wants
Their f*@kin’ tsunami
All we are saying—give Cambridge a chance!
All we are saying—give Cambridge a chance!
Ev’rybody’s talkin’ ’bout
UNITY SLATES, Developer Breaks,
Middle class decimation
All we are saying—give Cambridge a chance!
All we are saying—give Cambridge a chance!
(To be read during our CLEAN SWEEP OVERTURE…) VOTE THE FAB FIVE, endorsed by the Cambridge Residents Alliance, all of whom have agreed to reject donations from major developers and to create more affordable housing without destroying the character and diversity of our city: (listed alphabetically – vote your order of preference) DENNIS CARLONE, MIKE CONNOLLY, JAN DEVEREUX, NADEEM MAZEN and ROMAINE WAITE.
Ev’rybody’s votin’ for
The Fabulous Five,
No more shucking, no more jive
Honest planning’s still alive!
All we are saying—give new blood a chance!
All we are saying—give new blood a chance!
(Keep singing until the old guard leaves the chamber)
All we are saying—give Cambridge a chance!
All we are saying—give Cambridge a chance!
To read my call for the resignations of six of the seven Unity Slate candidates, click here.