Monthly Archives: November 2019


A few gems from a killer cabinet!

Let me start with a shocking statement: I feel bad for Trump and his gang of Republican sycophants. 

As one who believes in the Law of Karma, I need not worry about justice or some form of final accounting. It will come in its own good time. Trump and Crew will get theirs. In what form, I cannot say. But I do know for every misdeed, obfuscation and outright lie these characters perpetrate there will be a debt incurred and a payment later extracted.

To be honest, most of the time I have no feelings about these self-justifying miscreants other than anger, outrage and frustration. But every once in a while I wonder about the damage they are doing to their souls…? 

The Old White Men’s Club.

To their immortal souls?

That’s when I feel bad for them. Perhaps they should know better, or care more; but perhaps they’re just too blinded by the brilliance of their brief moment in the national spotlight to see beyond the immediate stakes of political win-or-loss.

Too blinded, sad to say, to see that the world they are shaping for themselves is a world without honor or shame. 

“…most likely an individual who was polite and courteous, with a certain level of personal respect, someone deftly shaped by a system penetrated to its core by honor and integrity.”

If you’ve ever had the good fortune to speak with an American soldier, at any grade level, most likely you found an individual who was polite and courteous, with a certain degree of self- respect, someone deftly shaped by a system penetrated to its core by honor and integrity. A system that would reject each and every moral dwarf who defends this indefensible thuggish president. A president unworthy of the title—and certainly unworthy of their loyalty—whose own political ambitions were so over-riding they subsumed the safety and welfare of an entire nation. 

I was surprised when former Senator Jeff Flake from Arizona used the phrase, “There is still time to save your souls,” in warning his fellow Republicans there was more at stake than political maneuverings. Each Trump apologist—and they are all Republicans—must live with telling lies on a daily basis. As soldiers in a criminal enterprise, they’ve signed on to spread falsehoods—or gaslight any fact that speaks against their unstable overlord. 

The Dissembler-In-Chief and one of his trusted Republican enablers.

Gaslighting. A frontal assault on the reality we all perceive. An attempt by Trump’s minions to build a wall of lies as the facts quickly mount up.

I sometimes find myself wondering, “How do they go home and face their children? How do they continue to raise those children with Judeo-Christian values when they have sullied and bruised those values every day on national TV?”

In a world without honor or shame, there are no blinking lights or hazard signs to warn Trump and his Republican enablers of the dangers they face down the road.

Where a deepening darkness is the only sign their souls are waiting for them.


Boycott Fox news!

America is in crisis. Our government no longer belongs to us. It has been taken captive by a coterie of liars and jackanapes led by the biggest liar, scoundrel and buffoon America has ever voted onto its national stage. A scoundrel most likely ushered into office by Russian agents and given full cover for his transgressions by—you know it without me saying so—FOX NEWS.

At the very moment we need to come together as a nation; when everything we’ve built and stood for in the 75 years since World War 2 is in danger of being torn apart and trashed underfoot, FOX NEWS spews out lies and heavily-slanted news to assist those who are destroying the values on which this country was founded. 

Boycott Fox Sports!

Under Fox’s unfair and imbalanced reporting, the president is not being impeached for holding back military aid to Ukraine to coerce their help against a political rival. Rather, under Fox’s impaired vision and slanted voice, Trump is a hero under attack. Impeachment is not a constitutional imperative for such a self-serving abuse of power, but rather an attempted coup by the Democrats. And under their non-stop barrage of lies, misinformation and extreme opinions, FOX NEWS is following a pattern first set forth by Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. “Lie big, lie often, and lie like it’s the truth.” 

Until the lie becomes the truth.

Incendiary, misinformed and nobody’s friend except Trump’s.

And now we’ve come to a crossroads. With President Trump caught red-handed trying to bully and extort Ukraine against the national security interests of the United States, we are set on a course that threatens to tear the country apart. No longer can we afford to let FOX NEWS spread its lies and prop up this monstrous mistake in the White House. Nor to provide a platform for those who would lie in Trump’s defense or profit by his continued grip on our government.

DON’T boycott 20th Century Fox movies;
Fox sold them to Disney.

To break the hold FOX NEWS has secured on a vast segment of Americans, we need to hit them where it hurts, on their bottom line. It serves Rupert Murdoch’s financial interests to continually stir up the hornet’s nest, to incite anger and unrest, to create enmity between political factions and segments of American society. 

Well, to hell with that. And to hell with them!

If we are to heal our divided nation, we need to shut off the spigot of lies flowing from FOX NEWS. 

Since most of us never watch FOX NEWS for the very reasons mentioned above, we can’t threaten to boycott the station. But we can BOYCOTT all FOX communication outlets. That means BOYCOTTING FOX Sports, BOYCOTTING FOX TV, and BOYCOTTING 20th Century Fox movies. If that doesn’t work, we can later add The World Street Journal and every other newspaper owned by the Murdochs.

Yes, even the NFL on Fox!
Boycott them all!

For this FOX BOYCOTT to work, FOX Corporation in all its highly successful embodiments must be treated like the outlier, menace and troublemaker FOX NEWS itself has become. 

To save our country and help restore its honor and decency, BOYCOTT FOX in all its forms.

I’m starting today. What about you?