Nor is he someone who instinctively lies to undo every mess, crime or idiotic blunder he uncontrollably creates. Nor will he employ sycophants to kiss his backside and carry out his instructions, especially when those orders directly threaten the welfare and security of the United States.

Joe Biden will never destroy the integrity of governmental institutions and agencies, nor nominate people who will strangle and defenestrate the very agencies they were hired to run. He will never nominate William Barr, Mike Pompeo, Mick Mulvaney, Louis DeJoy nor Rudy Giuliani to hold positions in our government. Not even when their prison terms come to an end.
Joe Biden will not play chicken with epidemics or pandemics. Rather than act too late in a crisis, Joe Biden will anticipate crises and, most important of all, avoid creating new ones.
Joe Biden will never hold back congressionally authorized military aid to extort and corrupt defenseless nations. Nor will he insult our friends by calling them “shithole” countries. And when the United States intelligence agencies provide insights and guidance, he will not castigate and belittle their efforts. Nor will he take the word of foreign dictators over U.S. government agencies.
Not even if Vladimir Putin tells him to.
But that’s not all!
Joe Biden won’t turn his back on United States allies. Especially those who have given thousands of lives to advance U.S. security. Nor will he turn his back on traditional allies who have walked with us through storm and strife. He will not weaken our most important alliances—not NATO, nor those with our partners at our borders.
And speaking of borders, Joe Biden will not demonize our neighbors nor give domestic terrorists and white nationalists undeserved recognition and acceptance.
Joe Biden will never lie to you. Not daily, or ever!
Joe Biden will never enact tax reforms that pretend to help the middle class and actually put millions into the pockets of millionaires and billionaires. When Joe reforms our taxes, it will be for real, and will not decimate our treasury or ignore those of us who are struggling.
Joe Biden does not play golf.
Nor does he watch Fox News!

Joe Biden has no need to deconstruct all Barack Obama’s accomplishments, nor to wipe out all record of those accomplishments.
Likewise, Joe Biden would not cripple or eliminate the Post Office (for God’s sakes!)
Not even if Vladimir Putin tells him to.
Most important of all, Joe Biden believes governments exist to serve and benefit the welfare of their people rather than the avarice of those in charge. He will not suddenly reveal strange inclinations, crude behaviors nor a sudden affinity for dictators and tyrants once he takes office. Nor will he interfere with the honest functioning of all government departments and agencies.
Lastly, Joe Biden will not be subject to foreign influence or extortion. He owns no hotels, in Turkey or anywhere else, has no ambition to build a tower in Moscow, nor will he reap millions from foreign countries wishing to court his good favor.
Joe Biden has two children, neither of whom will show up on the government payroll. In his lifetime—for 77 long years—he has never been accused of rape; has never been unfaithful in either of his marriages, and never treated women as objects or creatures who are less than himself.
Joe Biden will never set U.S. military troops on American citizens. Nor will he treat peaceful protesters as mortal enemies.
Joe Biden believes in man-made global warming and won’t let a loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires continue to cook the planet to their own satisfaction.

Not even if Vladimir Putin tells him to!