I was greatly saddened to hear of Chadwick Boseman’s passing.

His was an inner beauty that radiated through the roles he played: Thurgood Marshall, Jackie Robinson, James Brown and, yes, of course, The Black Panther. I feel especially saddened for my grandchild, a child of color, who will now have to find someone else to look up to and hold as a hero. Problem is, there are so few blacks that the white media or the white-controlled Hollywood movie system will elevate to hero roles.

Thank you, Chadwick Boseman! For giving my grandson and millions of youngsters someone to look up to; someone whose skin is colored just like theirs. And you played your life’s role like an honest-to-goodness hero, Chadwick, never revealing your fatal illness till we read about it in news stories announcing your death. No false sympathy for you, no sentiment-based awards either! You were as close to a hero and role model as one man—actor or not—can hope to become. God grant you a peaceful journey to your next destination. Thankfully, you made the most out of your short time on the planet. We’ll miss you, King T’Challah!

Wakanda Forever.