As the first president to be impeached twice.
Donald Trump has committed a grossly impeachable offense with his dereliction of duty in ignoring the Coronavirus.

Tapes prove in Trump’s own voice that he not only knew about the coming “plague” as he called it, but that he chose to lie to the American people. He was still lying up to the minute he was confronted with tapes that showed he knew the truth about the deadly virus.

If you are uncertain about the magnitude of Trump’s malfeasance, consider that Canada has experienced only 9,211 deaths as of September 20, 2020! The same day the U.S. coronavirus death total topped 200,000.
In choosing to lie rather than act, in treating the rising threat as a PR problem rather than a matter of life and death, tens of thousands of Americans died unnecessarily, and are continuing to die in the face of his continuing failure to act or develop a national plan.
And when Trump finally chose to act, it was only to set state against state, competing against each other to procure life-saving medical equipment and personal protective gear. Equipment that could have been manufactured by American companies under the Defense Emergency Act. Equipment that could have been manufactured in the time Trump wasted leading up to the pandemic.
Members of Congress, If you do nothing else before events continue to spiral downward and out of control, IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP FOR DERELICTION OF DUTY and GROSS NEGLIGENCE LEADING TO MASS MANSLAUGHTER.
It’s the least we can do.