There was a little boy
Whose fears kept him awake
So every night
his mother rocked him
and told him not to shake.

“Say goodnight to each fear,” she said
“Like a friend in the dark.
And when you rise next morning
Your fears will all depart.”
With trembling lips
The boy said goodnight
To each scary monster
That gave him a fright.

Goodnight Mr. Pandemic,
Goodnight Chinese Flu strain
Goodnight to all your victims
Who’ll never be seen again.
And Goodnight to ventilators
That never quite arrived
It’s no big deal now
Since their patients

Did not survive
And goodnight to the riots
And peaceful protests, too
Goodnight to all policemen
Who should learn when not to shoot
Goodnight global warming,
And hurricanes, droughts and fires
Goodnight to the West Coast
You make such beautiful pyres

Goodnight California
And Oregon, too
Someone should have warned ya
There’s no future in being blue
Goodnight fair elections
And democracy I once knew
Goodnight Merry Mailmen
So sad, he screwed you too

Goodnight ink-black sky
Goodnight darkened room
Goodbye to all I loved
Goodnight my sense of doom
Goodnight most of all

To those who stoke unrest
Goodnight Fox News
And, Goodnight, of course
To The Stoker who’s the best
Yes, Goodnight to the President
And to all his desperate demons
Goodnight to his seventh bankruptcy

Goodnight his band of cretins
Goodnight Kellyanne Fib Leaf
Goodnight General Lying Flynn
Goodnight to their Liar-In-Chief
And the man who’s his Rasputin.

With deepest thanks and apologies to Margaret Rise Brown, author of “Goodnight Moon,” a classic American children’s picture book first published in 1947.