Daily Archives: July 17, 2024


Two fateful bullets were fired this week. 

One bullet slightly grazed Donald Trump, the traitor, the insurrectionist and the GOP’s presidential nominee. Resulting damage appears to be slight, while providing a sympathy bump in the candidate’s poll numbers and a bandage Trump can wear all week to remind us of his heroic stance as a victim of a thwarted assassination attempt.

The other bullet was more metaphorical in nature. Fired after weeks of protracted teasing and coyness by Republican candidate Trump, the bullet struck J.D. Vance, making him the GOP candidate for Vice President on the Trump ticket.  

More salient to the point of this discussion is… who was lucky enough to dodge the bullet…?

 Closer inspection of the event reveals the bullet came close to hitting—but missed, in its deadly trajectory—Doug Burgum, governor of North Dakota, multi-millionaire, Trump sycophant and runner-up to be Trump’s VP selection. Some might call Burgum unlucky to come in second to J.D. Vance but I regard him as supremely fortunate. 

As Jesus famously asked, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?”

Yes, Doug Burgum or, more accurately, Burgum’s soul dodged a bullet when the serial liar, convicted business fraud, lifelong grifter and GOP presidential nominee set his sights on J.D. Vance.

Burgum had already seriously wounded his soul by swallowing whole his earlier comments about Trump—all pejorative and belittling—and offered when the riches of the world were not being dangled in front of his hungry eyes. Suddenly, lies not only replaced Burgum’s honest opinions and personal insights, but they were waved around like flags of honor, and held high enough for his capo de Capos to see.

By adopting the entire slate of lies and offended righteous air of Trump defenders, as have hundreds of Republican lawmakers, Burgum had already parted ways with his soul which, in the nature of souls, clings faithfully to the path of honesty and decency, but had not yet committed himself to the level of dishonesty and soul damage that accepting a vice presidency under Trump would clearly entail.

That level of dishonesty colors one’s entire life. It undermines every honest relationship, every attempt to guide one’s children by example, every attempt to prove to your spouse or business associates that you are worthy of your place in their lives. Such dishonesty trumpets itself in every word and action you take, because nothing will obscure the fact that every word and deed undertaken under fealty to Trump is unprincipled and self-serving.

Most likely, Doug Burgum was disappointed by Trump’s decision to anoint J.D. Vance. But if you could press Burgum’s soul for a reaction, all you would get, I bet, is a soulful sigh of relief.