Something is happening right now that most pundits and observers of political events are not equipped to see.

Let’s call it Hurricane Kamala.

These visually impaired experts have been trained to analyze and predict the movement of forces by relating those movements to similar happenings in the past. 

But they’ve never seen anything like Hurricane Kamala. 

Hurricane Kamala is something rarely seen in our lives. Nothing less than a wave of energy sent to restore balance and justice to our nation, and to the planet. The more one tries to define or explain this powerful and energetic cleansing wave, the less it makes any sense. But so it is with language whenever it reaches beyond its grasp to explain phenomena more spiritual than physical.

Nothing the experts might study outside of religious texts could compare to the political storm now gaining strength across our country. A storm that provides glimpses of its fierce implacable force whenever Kamala touches down to connect with Americans. 

Yes, the pundits can see these riotous throngs of Americans, starved for honest talk and unbridled hope, flocking to Kamala’s rallies; especially relieved that their fallen warrior has been replaced by a fighter just as zealous and decent and capable. But what they can’t see is that this is a phenomenon unlike any other they have previously witnessed or read about.  Which is why they continue to predict, against any evidence to the contrary, that the wild, arena-shaking, earth-quaking enthusiasm and joy Kamala has inspired will inevitably break, like a fever run its course, once the initial honeymoon period has subsided.

What they have yet to learn, or to understand, is that the forces that gave rise to Hurricane Kamala will not subside once the news cycle ends, the excitement dies down or some barometric condition shifts. 

Nor will the storm finally cease its violent stirrings until it chases away and rigorously cleanses every trace of the threatening shadow Donald J. Trump has cast across the American landscape.

That is my prediction, and I will stand by it.

10 thoughts on “HURRICANE KAMALA

  1. Limin

    Yes to everything you’ve stated. You’re perhaps didn’t stated how people are just sick from the lies everyday you turned on the news and the Orange monster got a lot coverage and we got enough of it and it’s cancerous plaque that divides us and offers no hope or solution of any sort. I personally have nightmares after watching the rally the latest where maga crowds were walking out. Kamala and Tim ushered in not just relief but fresh air and yes joy not creepy weird stuff and just huge tax breaks for millionaires. Enough is enough.

  2. Norm aDauria

    I am with your thinking 100%. And I also love that great big smile that is constantly with her as she speaks. And it is a pleasant break to not have to watch and listen to incoherent babbling from McDonald Trump.

  3. Dave Petrie

    Hi, let’s hope this hurricane is a category 5 and it stalls out for a few months right over the whole nation. I’m hold onto my hat and hoping for the best.

    Great Piece Paul, thank you!!!

    1. Paul Steven Stone Post author

      I’m with you, Dave. Not wishing for a stall as much as a rising crescendo of noise, movement and uplifting winds culminating in November with a crash.

      Thanks for sharing!



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