Introducing VERACITY VACCINE By Paul Steven Stone Labs. THE ONLY VACCINATION proven up to 95% EFFECTIVE AGAINST DONALD TRUMP’S reckless and unceasing trampling of the truth.

Studies have shown that almost 45 percent of America’s adult population are at risk of succumbing to Donald Trump’s outright lies and empty promises. Twice yearly injections of VERACITY should prevent or totally eliminate normal MAGA reactions to Donald Trump’s deceit-layered behavior.  


DONALD’S LIES:  Whether he’s claiming to have uplifted more Afro Americans than Abraham Lincoln, insisting the January 6th insurrection was a patriotic field trip or trying to sell a condo with only 1/3 the actual square footage stated on the listing, Donald Trump’s lies are virtually unstoppable. Worse still, they come at you so fast and furiously, you are quickly numbed to their audacity and obvious mendacity. Chances are, by the time you realize Trump is telling a lie, he has already buried the original lie under half a dozen new ones. 

Now, with our new VERACITY VACCINATION, Donald’s lies are no longer audible. Through the wonders of modern pharmacology, VERACITY renders its users impervious to Donald’s lies, from the largest honkers to the smallest and whitest of lies. With VERACITY your hearing will suddenly drop out from both ears at the first detection of a Donald Trump falsehood. Gone are all promises of a border wall paid for by Mexico. Never again will you have to listen to Donald’s crybaby complaints of witch hunts, political persecutions and rigged elections. 

During the periods of silence that ensue while Trump vomits up lies, falsehoods and misstatements, VERACITY VAXERS will have their choice of peaceful classical compositions, courtesy of Amazon Music, to transform Trump’s typically mendacious rants into melodious musical interludes.


DONALD’S GRIFTS AND SWINDLES:  Whether it’s a cheap, repurposed naugahyde-covered bible, or gold-foiled basketball sneakers, Donald Trump always has something new and unexpected to sell you. Maybe you prefer to spend your discretionary income on Trump campaign donations. Well. that’s fine with us. Anything you want, just as long as we get all your available money.

With a VERACITY VACCINATION, you will no longer be susceptible to Donald Trump’s vulgar and tasteless sales pitches. Similar to how sounds disappear at the first whisper of a Trump lie, VERACITY shuts off both your eyesight and hearing instantly upon encountering one of Donald’s sales pitches, leaving you impregnable and unreachable as a sales prospect. Unfortunately, it also leaves you totally vulnerable to the dangers of automobile traffic and various other human activities.

For protection at such moments, VERACITY purchasers will receive a placard—absolutely free!—to hang around their necks declaring, “HELP, DONALD TRUMP LEFT ME DEAF AND BLIND!” 

That’s VERACITY from Paul Steven Stone Labs. Two shots in the arm annually and you can live your life in peace once again.

And that’s the truth!


    1. Paul Steven Stone Post author

      Sharon: You are too kimd! And your reasssurance comes at a moment of self-doubt, so its doubly helpful. Hope this finds you well!.

      Again, thanks!


    1. Paul Steven Stone Post author

      Senor Varon: Sorry, we sold out fifteen minutes after putting our shots on sale. Try taking out your hearing aids whenever Trump sails into view.

    1. Paul Steven Stone Post author

      Lee: See Jose’s comment above and my reply. We’re expecting more product any day now.

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