Boycott Fox news!

America is in crisis. Our government no longer belongs to us. It has been taken captive by a coterie of liars and jackanapes led by the biggest liar, scoundrel and buffoon America has ever voted onto its national stage. A scoundrel most likely ushered into office by Russian agents and given full cover for his transgressions by—you know it without me saying so—FOX NEWS.

At the very moment we need to come together as a nation; when everything we’ve built and stood for in the 75 years since World War 2 is in danger of being torn apart and trashed underfoot, FOX NEWS spews out lies and heavily-slanted news to assist those who are destroying the values on which this country was founded. 

Boycott Fox Sports!

Under Fox’s unfair and imbalanced reporting, the president is not being impeached for holding back military aid to Ukraine to coerce their help against a political rival. Rather, under Fox’s impaired vision and slanted voice, Trump is a hero under attack. Impeachment is not a constitutional imperative for such a self-serving abuse of power, but rather an attempted coup by the Democrats. And under their non-stop barrage of lies, misinformation and extreme opinions, FOX NEWS is following a pattern first set forth by Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. “Lie big, lie often, and lie like it’s the truth.” 

Until the lie becomes the truth.

Incendiary, misinformed and nobody’s friend except Trump’s.

And now we’ve come to a crossroads. With President Trump caught red-handed trying to bully and extort Ukraine against the national security interests of the United States, we are set on a course that threatens to tear the country apart. No longer can we afford to let FOX NEWS spread its lies and prop up this monstrous mistake in the White House. Nor to provide a platform for those who would lie in Trump’s defense or profit by his continued grip on our government.

DON’T boycott 20th Century Fox movies;
Fox sold them to Disney.

To break the hold FOX NEWS has secured on a vast segment of Americans, we need to hit them where it hurts, on their bottom line. It serves Rupert Murdoch’s financial interests to continually stir up the hornet’s nest, to incite anger and unrest, to create enmity between political factions and segments of American society. 

Well, to hell with that. And to hell with them!

If we are to heal our divided nation, we need to shut off the spigot of lies flowing from FOX NEWS. 

Since most of us never watch FOX NEWS for the very reasons mentioned above, we can’t threaten to boycott the station. But we can BOYCOTT all FOX communication outlets. That means BOYCOTTING FOX Sports, BOYCOTTING FOX TV, and BOYCOTTING 20th Century Fox movies. If that doesn’t work, we can later add The World Street Journal and every other newspaper owned by the Murdochs.

Yes, even the NFL on Fox!
Boycott them all!

For this FOX BOYCOTT to work, FOX Corporation in all its highly successful embodiments must be treated like the outlier, menace and troublemaker FOX NEWS itself has become. 

To save our country and help restore its honor and decency, BOYCOTT FOX in all its forms.

I’m starting today. What about you?



Bang the Trump slowly, Jeer the Rump loudly
To dust he’ll be returning, as from dust he began
Bang the Trump slowly, and speak of things unholy

Like collusion, extortion and disgraceful Russian loyalty.

Bang the Trump slowly, Jeer the Rump loudly
Call out cries and boos, then pretend its fake news

No fans in D.C. to cover their eyes or buy up your ties

Just a stadium of Americans fed up with your lies

Bang the Trump slowly, Jeer the Rump loudly

Your impeachment, oh yes, will resound thru the ages 

Fool that you were, mistaking yes-men for sages

Men like Rudy, Barr and Pompeo did you no favors

For impeachment, you’ll learn, comes in all flavors

Bang the Trump slowly, cheat the piper lowly

Join Nixon, Clinton and Johnson to make four

It’s not golf that you’re playing, 

Just your country you’re betraying

Have you no self-respect, no honor or shame?

Or was the presidency to you just another con game?
Bang the Trump slowly, Jeer the Rump loudly
To dust he’ll be returning, as from dust he began 

And America will then wipe the dust from our hand.

Americans rising to the occasion. With boos and cries of “Lock him up!”


I admire the Republicans. The way they stare down the truth about Donald J. Trump in order to rise to his well-deserved defense. Never have I admired a group more for their honesty, sincerity and highly admirable blind loyalty. 

“It doesn’t matter if our Congressmen
and Senators tell lies,” said Pinocchio.
“There are as many reasons to ignore Trump’s transgressions as there are to impeach America’s best and most mistreated President.”

How could anyone in their right mind, not admire the way the Republicans threw caution to the wind and their reelections to fate by defending Donald Trump against the interests and purview of the United States Constitution? Their bravery and staunch resolution amidst a damning flood of news reports and credible testimony is unparalleled in the annals of misdirected blind loyalty. Especially in light of how much that testimony undermines Trump’s discredited defense and their quickly vanishing integrity. 

Good show, guys! America will never forget your service and sacrifice.

Yesterday, about twenty of the Republicans I admire most signaled their frustration over the impossible task of defending the President by bursting en masse into a closed-door meeting of the House Intelligence Committee. For me, it matters not that these Republicans have no logical or reasonable defense of Trump’s crimes; just like them, I’m outraged that Adam Schiff’s Intelligence Committee would interrogate witnesses behind closed doors and allow a clear story of Trump’s transgressions to emerge. 

My favorite Republicans always tell the truth!

Lastly, why would we lose any sleep over the security of Ukraine, or its people? Or the dubious fate of those pesky Kurds? Why should I care if Russia or Turkey invades or kills off these troublesome sects and shithole countries? The Kurds may have been Obama’s allies, but they’re not mine. 

As you can tell from my words, I will support Trump and continue to kiss his ass and his ring no matter how many people he shoots on Fifth Avenue.

They’d probably be Kurds, anyway.


It’s a kindness to Donald Trump to view his extortion of Ukraine as a quid pro quo.Too much of Trump’s thuglike behavior, not to mention Ukraine’s existential angst, is omitted with that descriptor. 

Quid pro quo ordinarily implies both parties enjoy a parity of gain, while the deal being offered by Trump and Trumper—Donny and Rudy—was Ukraine’s very survival. A survival only put in jeopardy to make the country’s leaders more malleable to digging up dirt on the Bidens.

This is where things get funny. Donny and Rudy split up. Rudy to Europe where amongst other places, he ended up visiting Kiev in Ukraine. 

Centerpiece of the U.S.A.’s
“Shadow Diplomacy,”‘ manufactured in Kiev and controlled by Trump sidekick,
Rudy Giuliani

Meanwhile back in Washington, Donny was playing a chess game of sorts, directing a rumor campaign against the ambassador to Ukraine, who apparently was too straitlaced to countenance the strong-arm tactics Trump and Trumper were planning to deploy.

Cut back to Rudy. As part of his plan against the ambassador, he arranged for two associates (natives of Eastern Europe) to donate Russian oligarch money to a Republican Congressman from Texas, who coincidentally soon complained to the State Department about the straitlaced ambassador.

Only a clown could laugh his way through the mess created by Trump and Trumper. Two-handed, they virtually helped destroy America’s reputation as an honest broker and loyal friend on the world stage. Ukraine is our friend and strategic ally; why else would we give them $ 391 million?

The Bidens

What have we just said to Ukraine and the rest of the world with the President’s self-serving behavior?

“This is how America honors our agreements with friends.”

It goes beyond sanity to weigh the potential gains against potential losses Trump and Trumper risked with their stupid, conspiracy-addled games.

One has to ask, “What did they think they had to gain?” And then the most important question of all, “At what price?”

Yeah, sure, they might have dug up valuable dirt to use against Joe Biden. Valuable only should he manage to outrun his age, his son’s ugly business dealings, his foot-in-the-mouth tendency or the dozen other candidates running against him.

And at what price, Mr. President?

Dumb and Dumber, too, Giuliani’s associates arrested at the airport.

Impeachment is the fog horn that alerts the nation to one of its most perilous dangers. It’s not only America’s stature and reputation they imperiled with their selfish, childish behavior, but the integrity of the Office of the Presidency will forever be damaged in some ineffable way.

All to help Trump and Trumper hold onto the White House so they can continue to spread their lovable antics and zaniness around the world for four more years? God help us, no!

But back to my question.

Quid pro quo? Does that convey the fear felt by an entire population living under the threat and shadow of the Soviet Army? I think not.

Mario Puzo would know it for what it was. In the Mafia jungle he wrote about, the fear of death or destruction was the ultimate weapon. The ultimate bargaining chip. 

“Make him an offer he can’t refuse,” was the refrain and it was totally undeniable. 

Nobody wants to die. 

Nobody wants their loved ones to die.

Not even Trump and Trumper.


Elizabeth Warren, what you see is what you get!

Nor is she someone who instinctively lies to undo every mess, crime or idiotic blunder she uncontrollably creates. Nor will she employ sycophants to kiss her backside and carry out her instructions, especially when those orders directly threaten the welfare and security of the United States. 

“Any chance we can lock up Hillary?”

Elizabeth Warren will not destroy the integrity of governmental institutions and agencies, nor nominate people who will strangle and defenestrate the very agencies they were hired to run. She will never nominate William Barr, Mike Pompeo, Mick Mulvaney nor Rudy Giuliani to hold positions (real or shadow) in our government. Not even when their prison terms come to an end.

Our allies the Kurds run for their lives.

Elizabeth Warren will never hold back congressionally authorized military aid to extort and corrupt defenseless nations. Nor will she insult our friends by calling them “shithole” countries. And when the United States intelligence agencies provide insights and guidance, she will not castigate and belittle their efforts. Nor will she take the word of foreign dictators over U.S. government agencies.

From “Tales From An Overheated Planet.” (paulstonesthrow.com/tales-from-an-overheated-planet-a-poster-series/)

Elizabeth Warren believes in man-made global warming and won’t let a loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires continue to cook the planet to their own satisfaction.

But that’s not all!

Elizabeth Warren won’t turn her back on United States allies. Especially those who have given thousands of lives to advance U.S. security. Nor will she turn her back on traditional allies who have walked with us through storm and strife. She will not weaken our most important alliances—not NATO, nor those with our partners at our borders.

And speaking of borders, Elizabeth Warren will not demonize our neighbors nor give domestic terrorists and white nationalists undeserved recognition and acceptance.

Happy Days are here again!

Elizabeth Warren will never enact tax reforms that pretend to help the middle class and actually put millions into the pockets of millionaires and billionaires. Tax reforms that decimate our treasury and eliminate any chance we have as a nation to raise up those among us who are struggling.

Elizabeth Warren believes health care is a right not a privilege. She believes in a government that cares enough about its people to provide universal health care—like the majority of industrialized nations—and protect them from instantaneous poverty from medical catastrophes. 

Elizabeth Warren has no need to deconstruct all accomplishments of Barack Obama, nor to wipe out or misconstrue all record of his accomplishments. 

” I want to talk with you about Ukraine.”

Most important of all, Elizabeth Warren believes governments exist to serve and benefit the welfare of their people rather than the avarice of those in charge. She will not reveal strange inclinations, crude behaviors nor a sudden affinity for dictators and tyrants once she takes office. Nor will she interfere with the honest functioning of all government departments and agencies. 

Lastly, Elizabeth Warren will not be subject to foreign influence or extortion. She owns no hotels, in Turkey or anywhere else, has no ambition to build a tower in Moscow, nor will she reap millions from foreign countries wishing to court her good favor. 

From an earlier day.

Elizabeth Warren has two children, neither of whom will show up on the government payroll. In her lifetime, for 70 long years, she has never been accused of rape or sexual assault; has never been unfaithful in either of her marriages, and never grabbed any strangers by their sexual organs. 

Not even when she was doing her best imitation of Donald J. Trump.

The Real Thing!