(sung to the tune of “You’re so Vain” by Carly Simon)
Dedicated to Millard Mitt Romney
You walked into the party like you had always been on the right,

Your thoughts strategically hidden from all eyes,
Your disdain was hot that night,

You had one eye in the mirror as you jumped into the fight,

And all the nuts dreamed that you’d be their partner,

You’d be their partner, and…

You’re so dumb, you probably think this race is about you,

You’re so dumb, I’ll bet you think this race is about you,

Don’t you? Don’t You?

You had us all several years ago when we were still quite naive,

Well you said that we had such a pretty state

And that you would never leave

But you lied away the things you said and headed for the door,

We had some dreams, and they put you in office

Put you in office, put you in office…

You’re so dumb, you probably think we’re going to elect you,

You’re so dumb, I’ll bet you think we’re going to elect you,

Don’t you? Don’t You? Don’t You?

You had some dreams and they sent you to D.C.,

Sent you to D.C., and…

You’re so dumb, you probably think your lies will just sail through,

You’re so dumb, I’ll bet you think your lies will just sail through,

Don’t you? Don’t You?

Well I hear you went up to find a partner and Ryan naturally won,

Then you lied about his evil Medicare plans

And said you cared about everyone,

Well you’re who you should be all the time,

And when you’re not you try

To change your opinions so you fit in,

Opinions so you fit in…

You’re so dumb, you probably think this race is about you,

You’re so dumb, I’ll bet you think this race is about you,

Don’t you? Don’t You? Don’t you?

You’re so dumb, you probably think we can’t see right through you

You’re so dumb, you probably think we can’t see right through you


Scott Brown either has no moral character or no political record he can stand on. On Tuesday the voters of Massachusetts will offer their own opinion on that critical question.
As a member of the party that elevated swiftboating to an art form defending bad behavior and questionable representation of the people’s interests, Scott Brown has clearly decided Elizabeth Warren’s proven record of defending the interests of the middle class will trump his own record of defending the rights, the wealth and the power of the privileged class. His cynical pretense to be a fair-minded voice for sanity and compromise in the U.S. Senate is as shallow as his record in sponsoring meaningful legislation or rebalancing the wholly lopsided aggregation of our nation’s wealth by the shamelessly piggish 1%.

Swiftboating, as anyone living in our modern era can tell you, is the aiming of LIES at an opponent’s strongest qualifications. George W. Bush’s campaign used swiftboating to undermine John Kerry’s record as a highly decorated swiftboat captain in VietNam (hence the term ‘swiftboating’), Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are attempting to swiftboat Barack Obama’s rescue of the auto industry, and Scott Brown is pathetically attempting to swiftboat Elizabeth Warren’s record as a fierce consumer advocate.

If Scott Brown had done more to represent the majority of his constituents he wouldn’t be forced to attack Elizabeth Warren with lies, innuendoes and fantasy assessment’s of Mrs. Warren’s past record. Or to cling like a drowning man to the irrelevant question of Elizabeth Warren’s Native American heritage.

As I’ve written elsewhere, Scott Brown has a history of waiting until issues are decided before casting his vote. In most cases voting against his fellow swiftboaters when the vote no longer matters and he can use it to highlight his sham willingness to work across the aisle.

The truth is Scott Brown has aligned himself with a gang of thugs who will trample a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body or to earn equal pay for equal work. A gang that, pumped up by corporate greed and billionaire donations, would bring us back to an era when Malthusian economics decreed we should allow America’s poor, elderly, and sickest citizens to live or die on their own without any help from the government. A gang that would virtually wipe out all the social, humanitarian and egalitarian progress we’ve made as a country since Franklin Delano Roosevelt first introduced Social Security as a citizen right back in the 1930’s.

A corporate and billionaire-funded gang of political hacks that denies global warming, sees the American government as its enemy, and is intent on taking food from school children’s lunches to support further expansion of an unnecessarily bloated military machine.

So when I read a mailer from Scott Brown declaring that “Elizabeth Warren is not who she says she is” I can see how desperate he is to avoid the real truth…that Scott Brown, unlike what his yard signs proclaim, is definitely NOT who he says he is.

And certainly not someone worthy of my vote. 


Hello folks, come on in. And welcome to the Republican States of America (RSA). I’ve been authorized by Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers and billionaires everywhere to invite you in for a visit. But not to stay.

You can only stay here in the RSA if you are a declared heterosexual, American-born—possessing two birth certificates if you’re black and running for the presidency—fully observant of the moral dictates of women-subjugating religions or right-minded politicians, and committed to enshrining selfishness into the Constitution.

While you are visiting with us in the RSA feel free to wear your gun to the movies, abuse your undocumented Latino servants and drop off your grandparents at the local emergency room, should they have health problems. In the RSA anyone struggling to earn a living wage is responsible for his or her own difficulties and is requested never to ask for assistance, especially if they’re poor, elderly, recently out of work, living in a single parent household, or in ill health. Take note that women in the RSA are not allowed to be raped or have abortions in cases of rape.

Also be aware that your unborn children are of greater importance to us than those noisy, filthy and irritating children poor people seem to breed as if they were sex-starved rabbits.

Please take note that as of January 2013, membership in a public or private employees union will be considered contrary to the public welfare, punishable by extended stays in Arizona or Wisconsin. In the interest of fairness, every citizen will pay the same percentage of his or her income in taxes, regardless of how rich or poor they may be, except in cases where a minimum level of assets qualifies you for the Oil, Gas and Millionaires tax loopholes.

In the Republican States of America it is understood we may declare preemptive war against a weak third-world nation anytime we deem it necessary to use up, and thus upgrade and re-manufacture at great cost, our store of aging armaments. If we de-stabilize a region, we take no responsibility and will blame it on the mainstream media.

In the Republican States of America it is perfectly acceptable to declare war on another country in the interests of spreading democracy, even while here at home we combat voter fraud by denying voting rights to minorities, students and other left-leaning elements of the population. To that regard, it is also permissible to steal elections in swing states.

Welcome to the Republican States of America. Please remember, we don’t do torture, and we’ll waterboard anyone who says different. 



If I sound harsh, forgive me. It’s only because the stakes are too high for us to make a mistake voting for Senator next month.

Senator Scott Brown is a nice guy. We can all agree on that. As far as his vision goes as a politician, we only really know two things about him. At some level he supports Republican doctrine enough to belong to the party. Secondly, he’s running for reelection based on the fact he plays nicely with others.
Ask Scott Brown why any of us should vote for him and he immediately points to his bi-partisan voting record, which by the way has him voting for core Republican positions almost every time, and alongside Democrats on the really tough political fights, like naming post offices or codifying rules of behavior for National Parks.
The nation’s two most important economic issues don’t seem particularly interesting to Mr. Brown. On the widening gap between rich and poor, he’s shown a surprising bent for siding with the wealthy and the powerful. On the destruction of the middle class, he mouths platitudes, but does little or nothing to help.
What does Scott Brown stand for, besides getting himself re-elected? Can you think of one issue meaningful to our lives that he has articulated or even slated for political action?
Elizabeth Warren has risen to challenge Brown exactly because she does stand for something. She’s a fighter for the middle class and, more important, she’s a defender of our rights against the very same entrenched interests Scott Brown and the Republican Party represent.
If you observe Scott Brown’s behavior in the Senate you’ll notice he’s very calculating about taking his “bi-partisan” votes. Most times he will only vote after the outcome is decided. Thus giving himself maximum time to see which way the wind is blowing, but also to devise a plausible reason to explain his vote. When Brown votes with Democrats it’s almost always on issues where his vote is next to meaningless and has little impact on our lives. I admit, he did vote for Dodd-Frank Financial Reform, but almost immediately tried to weaken its provisions.
And Mr. Brown always has a plausible explanation (read ‘excuse’) for his lock-step Republican votes. He’s never without a reasonable explanation for abandoning the middle class. On voting against cutting the Bush tax breaks for the wealthy, he rotely explains now is not the time to tax the ‘job-creators’. On voting against fair-pay for women, he argues the bill had too many unintended legal consequences. On protecting tax loopholes worth billions to the oil companies, he claims eliminating tax loopholes would only result in higher prices at the pump.
All reasonable, plausible explanations! But forgive me, I don’t think they pass the smell test. Rather than honest explanations they seem like thinly veiled political shields meant to hide a voting record that favors the high and mighty at the expense of the poor and unprivileged.
But what makes Scott Brown immensely regrettable is his taking up a space in the Senate that can mean so much to the lives of everyday Americans. Not every Senator can be a Teddy Kennedy or a Daniel Webster. But those are the footsteps in which Scott Brown walks, and it’s time he proved himself worthy of being there. It’s not enough for Scott Brown to rest on his laurels as a make-believe liaison between Democrats in the center and the crazies on the right. Nor can he expect to coast to a victory by defaming an opponent who has already accomplished more on a national level than he could ever hope to achieve.
Scott Brown makes a lot of claims in explaining a short Senate career filled with meager accomplishment. He claims that kings and other royalty confer with him regularly. He claims his 2-week summer rotation in Afghanistan qualifies as “doing combat duty in Afghanistan.” He claims Elizabeth Warren lied about being part-Indian and then spends half a debate regretting he has to bring the issue up.
Worst of all, Scott Brown claims to be protecting our interests while all the while giving cover to the whackos and billionaires who assault our interests every day.
Scott Brown may be a nice guy, but as our Senator from Massachusetts he doesn’t deserve your vote; he deserves to be an ex-Senator.
NOTE: The original title of this essay was “Scott Brown Is A Total Waste Of Space.” Upon serious reflection, I decided that statement was far too harsh and personal, so I changed the title. I apologise if anyone was offended by my previous title, or confused by the current one. PSS

Eddie Haskell Goes To Washington

“Hello, Mrs. Cleaver, can Wallace come over and help me stack the Supreme Court with anti-abortion judges?”

“You know, Mr. Cleaver. When I grow up I’m going to smoke a pipe just like you, sir. And also, I plan to kill health care reform!”

For the last few weeks I’ve been watching the political debates. Have you? More particularly, have you noticed all the Republican candidates are channeling the spirit and, sometimes, the smarmy personality of Eddie Haskell.

Eddie Haskell? Could this be intentional? Or just an amazing coincidence?
Eddie Haskell, if you don’t recall, was an American TV character, but a cultural icon all the same. One of Wally’s friends on “Leave It To Beaver,” Eddie was the one you couldn’t trust, the smiling, backstabbing boy who was always manipulating people, sucking up to the adults, telling them what he thought they wanted to hear. Very often, stirring up the plot just to make trouble. But Eddie’s fatal flaw was you could always see through him, see the wheels turning, the eyes calculating, the sham arising.

So, I’m watching the debate, and there’s Scott Brown smiling at the audience while Eddie Haskell says, “Gee, Professor Warren, I’m truly sorry I mentioned you’re being a pretend Cherokee warrior. I’d stop talking about it ‘cept no one will let me.”

Or there’s Paul Ryan as Eddie Haskell proclaiming, “Dismantle Medicare? Me? I never suggested such a thing. I was just taking my beloved mother—who is much given to charitable works—down to the Medicare office so she’ll always have the best medical care a son, or a country, could provide.”

But the best Eddie Haskell, the one impersonation so smooth and successful it’ll take weeks till you realize you’ve been fooled, was the Mittster’s!

“Ah, shucks, Mrs. Cleaver, I never intended my tax program to give all that money back to my billionaire and millionaire friends. And Wallace knows I have secret plans to replace Obamacare with something better. I can’t tell you what those secret plans are, Mrs.Cleaver—I would have to kill you, if I did, haha. You’ll just have to trust me.”

Mitt was just too good. He out-Eddied Eddie! And we were all so busy figuring out who put the knockout powder in Obama’s Gatorade we never stopped to question all the silken lies the viewers were swallowing, one after the other, as Mitt spewed them out with full Eddie Haskell temerity.

“Gee, Mr. Cleaver, if you like my new and improved Caring and Kind Persona, perhaps you’d like to hear how I’m going to help all those undocumented Mexicans and South Americans happily self-deport themselves. Or why my slow emasculation of Medicare will actually be good for older Americans. Or how the destruction of America’s social safety net will actually reduce poverty. Or why…”

It’s funny to realize Eddie Haskell hasn’t disappeared from my life, or from the American culture.

For some strange reason he’s joined the Republican Party.

And Eddie being Eddie, he’s still trying to cause trouble.