Rip Van Winkle In the 21st Century (or waking up at the Republican convention)

When I met Rip Van Winkle he was coming out of an Apple store with the newest iPhone. He held up the phone and explained, “Just trying to catch up. When you’ve been asleep for twelve years you tend to miss out on things.”

He looked at me and smiled, “I don’t know what was in that beer I had at the bowling alley last night, but I woke up this morning feeling like I was wearing a swimming cap two sizes too small.

“And that was just the start of the strangeness. Walking back to my home on Brattle Street I noticed things seemed familiar yet very different. The few people I passed were wearing strange clothes, which for Cambridge isn’t all that unusual. But the cars on the street looked futuristic and alien, more like armored vehicles than the friendly boxlike structures I fondly recalled.

       “But the strangest changes were the ones that had overtaken this country during my 12 year siesta. In my unrelenting grogginess, I made the mistake of turning on the TV to watch the Republican National Convention. Once I got my bearings and saw the forces now at play in America, I was in shock. It seemed like I had woken up in a foreign land. How could I fall asleep one night in a country that prided itself as the land of the brave and the free? And wake up a dozen years later in a country ruled by barbarous impulses and totally selfish compulsions? America’s bravery, I soon discovered, was now defined by unprovoked wars on weaker nations and acts of torture against helpless prisoners. Its cherished freedoms now seemingly reserved for those who could financially afford them.

       “To my shock I discovered America had become a nation that no longer gave any thought or care to the environment—or the planet—she’d be leaving for future generations; not if it would inconvenience business interests or negatively affect their profits. Even when scientists shouted dire warnings about the consequences of Americans’ selfish and self-enriching lifestyle, an entire segment of our population chose to doubt the science rather than adjust the behavior. The way Republicans scoffed at protecting the environment for future generations you might have thought FDR created the EPA rather than Richard M. Nixon.

       “But the worst thing I witnessed was all the hate and resentment. With little concern for its weakest citizens, America’s angriest and most selfish political party was rising up in fanatical revolt against the passage of universal healthcare. And conservative political demagogues, under the guise of strengthening the country’s safety net, were attacking and threatening the social contract that for 70 years had stood like a shield, protecting the nation’s poor, elderly and infirm.

       “What was going on?” I wondered, half in shock, half in anxiety that I had somehow lost hold on my sanity.

       “Strangest of all, my country—the richest nation on Earth—was now broke! When I sipped that last beer in the bowling alley, America was heading into a new millennium with a budgetary surplus. Bill Clinton might have been a sorry philanderer but he’d also been a good steward of the country’s pocketbook. We not only had money in the bank, we had lots of it! Now I awoke to discover the little money we possess is dedicated to programs we can no longer afford or, truth be told, owed outright to the People’s Republic of China!

       “Hey, where’d all the money go!

       “You can imagine how appalling this all seemed, waking up in an America where people were losing their homes to the predatory banks that had suckered them into unaffordable mortgages. An America where the government had thrown money at those same predatory banks to keep them afloat, who had then refused to loan anything—not a penny!—to anybody! For fear it might interfere with the outsized bonuses they felt obligated to pay their highest and most incompetent executives and managers.

       I kept waiting for someone to talk about whoever was responsible for America’s sudden slide into mediocrity, pennilessness, and criminal behavior. But no one ever mentioned the man who was president for the first eight of my 12 lost years. Nor his accomplices, none of whom will ever be charged for all the lives they ruined, the deaths they caused, or the tragedy they fecklessly made of the American Dream.

       “Also, before I fell asleep for 12 years, America had been a democracy that believed in democracy, believed in spreading democracy. That was before I slept through two presidential elections that had been stolen by that same unmentionable Republican president. And before I woke to find this latest batch of Republicans doing their damnedest to deprive blacks, students, Hispanics, prisoners—anyone from the bottom of the economic ladder—their voting rights.

       “Jim Crow wasn’t dead, I discovered, he had merely joined the Republican party!

       “And, strangest of all, rather than protect the rights of these marginalized American citizens, the courts were complicit in this outrage, deaf to any arguments about the real motivation behind voter fraud regulations in Republican-controlled states. Even though everyone knew, and vote-suppressing politicians freely admitted, there was never any voter fraud to prevent.

       “To think of the party of Lincoln actively working to deny voting rights to blacks, as well as the poor and the marginalized! It was enough to send me back to the bowling alley for one more beer.

       “And, hopefully, a dozen years more sleep.”

       “Well just wait,” I told Rip Van Winkle, “With any luck, you’ll wake up to find this was all a dream.”


Me and the boys on the platform committee of the RNC were sitting around the convention center talking about you girls and all your nit-picking responses to Republican policies and priorities. After all the hullabaloo you gals kicked up about poor Todd Akin’s comments out in Missouri we decided to seek out a middle ground on this issue of abortion in cases where a woman has been legitimately raped.

I believe you’ll find our solution more than adequately answers your concerns as women, yet clearly holds the line against permitting abortions for any reason whatsoever.

Go down to page 24, paragraph 3 of our 2012 Republican National Platform and you’ll read, “Abortion shall not be permitted in the United States without exception, even in cases of rape or incest. To eliminate the need for abortion in cases of legitimate rape, we the men of the Republican Party promise to never use force in the rape of a woman, or to have unprotected sex with our sisters or our mothers. Additionally, it is the stated position of the Republican Party that all rapists must wear condoms during a legitimate act of rape.”

Pretty cool, eh? Believe me, it wasn’t easy working out that position or the language in which it was stated. Some of the boys on the committee wanted to require the police to use that invasive vaginal probe they like so much in Virginia whenever a woman claimed to be the victim of legitimate rape. Thinking, of course, that by doing so we might seriously reduce the number of reported legitimate rapes, which has its merits. See no evil, hear no evil, report no evil, if you know what I mean. 

In the end, we just decided to outlaw unprotected legitimate rape and leave it at that. We didn’t put it in the platform, but the consensus of the committee was that things would be a whole lot better if you women didn’t let yourself get raped—legitimately or otherwise, if you know what I mean.


When Romney was in Tampa land,

Let these people go!

Lied so much, they gave him a hand,

Let these people go!

Go ‘way, Romney,

Way down in Liar’s Land

Tell Obama

To let these people go!

No more shall they in bondage toil

Let these people go!

To billionaires and big crude oil,

Let these people go!

Go ‘way, Ryan,

You can’t kill our medicare

Tell Obama

To let these people go!

Oh, let us all from Republicans flee

Let these people go

And let our safety nets be free

Let these people go

Go ‘way, Romney,

Pay your taxes like we do

Tell Obama

To let these people go!

Mitt need not always change his views

Let these people go!

Sooner or later he’ll get the news

And let these people go!

Go ‘way, Bro-boys,

We’ve had enough complaining,

Tell Obama

To let these people go!

Ah Mitty, We Hardly Knew You!

Dear Mitty:


I hope you don’t mind my calling you Mitty? ‘Mitt’ sounds so stiff, so formal, just like the blood-sucking millionaire we used to read about. The venture capitalist vampire who sucked dry the lifeblood of a hundred soon-to-die companies.


So, allow me to call you Mitty. If only because you had your way with us all those years.


Hey, It’s not easy to woo and screw an entire state, but you made it look like child’s play. Swooping down on us. Climbing in our window. A lover who came in the dark and left before dawn. We can still feel the lingering kisses, Mitty, and recall the eager, sophomoric foreplay of your 1994 senatorial campaign, not to mention the SLAM-BAM-THANK YOU M’AM screw job you gave us before you left.


Yes you wooed us as a moderate Republican, Mitty, said your kisses and liberal leanings were all true and deeply felt. But then your ardor failed, your interest waned. Was it something we said? Many of us still recall that fourth year of your ONE-AND-ONLY term as governor, when you couldn’t find the interest to spend even half your days in the state. It was tough living with someone who was never around, Mitty. Clearly your love—if love it was—had fled somewhere else. 


Though your marriage to us was consummated in Massachusetts, your heart was now committed to Washington, D.C.


And what about when you derided Massachusetts’ liberals down in Washington, Mitty? These days, you castigate Obama for apologizing for America. You were still our governor and you were dissing us to a panel of senators as if Massachusetts and its citizens were some objectionable lab-bred culture.


Hey Mitty, it’s not easy shifting your shape from a moderate to a conservative! The things you have to do, right?


And so you left us; leaving your job as our top officeholder unfinished. How many people can govern a state for three years and finish their mission, Mitty? There was so much you still could have done. You had strong relationships with the legislature, knew how to get things done. Had even authored a universal health care bill that actually improved people’s lives. But you heard another voice calling. Once again, desire was rising. Here within reach was another object of affection to woo and screw. A new siren’s call to chase after.


I guess we should feel proud you left us for a bigger state. And not just any state, Mitty, or one state, but the entire United States of America! And if you don’t win them through election, whose to say you can’t buy them all later?


Well, anyway, let me end this before I start to sound bitter. Don’t want you thinking your abrupt rejection has left us sad or bitter. Other states might feel exploited or cheapened by your quick, loveless encounter, like a prostitute who feels undeserving of a goodbye kiss. But we always secretly knew you would love us and leave us.


No hard feelings, Mitty, we were only looking for a cheap thrill ourselves.

BTW: your Guatemalan landscapers asked to be remembered.

Paul Steven Stone

For The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

And All Your Former And Forsaken Constituents


C’mon, folks! Let’s be serious. Why in God’s name would anyone in their right mind vote for politicians whose every word and deed serves only the wishes of their billionaire masters?
Want to see what America would look like as envisioned by these lackeys to Wall Street and the Oil Companies? 

Vote Republican!   
Better yet, imagine an America where the government has been crippled and hogtied when it comes to serving the needs of the poor, the infirm, the elderly or the middle class. Hell, just by gaining a majority in the House of Representatives they’ve been able to castrate the financial reforms voted in by the last congress. Just imagine what they could do with control of both the presidency and the congress!

The Republicans see no evil, speak no evil, or hear no evil when it comes to their billionaire bosses, even the ones most guilty of turning our once prosperous country into a nation of dogs fighting for scraps tossed from the tables of the wealthy.

Medicare and Social Security? Say goodbye to those quaint outdated concepts once the Republicans gain control. If you think I’m being alarmist, recall how George W. Bush campaigned to privatize social security, or how the republicans all voted for Paul Ryan’s Medicare-emasculating budget.

What happened to America, this once great country of ours, that men and women of the lowest possible moral standing—with no regard for the welfare of others, no concern for the rights of individuals, no limits to their jingoism, no higher priority than eliminating all reasonable taxation of the wealthy, no interest in protecting even the most vulnerable among us from predatory lending or banking practices, no concern for the planet we inhabit or the air we breathe, no shame about raining war, destruction or torture on foreign countries or their people, no shame about crippling America’s own leaders or its economy if it improves their political status—are given a platform to spew the most venomous lies and accusations, then voted into office to pursue their small-minded, self-enriching political agenda?

We voted Republican, that’s what happened!

Want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare as we know them?

Vote Republican!

Want to shift every penny the government spends on food stamps, education, health counseling and job training into building the word’s largest, best-equipped, most threatening and unnecessary military presence on the planet?

Vote Republican!

Want to see homosexuals lose all the acceptance and credibility they’ve gained in the last 20 years?

Vote Republican!

Want to see unregulated drilling in coastal waters, uncontrolled pollutants from smokestacks, and official U.S policies that actively deny and advance global warming?

Vote Republican!

Want to see the children of undocumented immigrants treated like criminals, thrown into prisons and deported?

Vote Republican!

Want to see millionaires and billionaires continue to buy elections unhindered by law or conscience?

Vote Republican!

Want to see thousands of eligible voters barred from the voting booth because they might not vote Republican?

Vote Republican!

Want to see election districts gerrymandered to ensure the election of Republicans in perpetuity?

Vote Republican!

Want to see your children move back in with you because they’re broke and deeply in debt?

Vote Republican!

Want to see your mother working as a Walmart greeter till she’s 95?

Vote Republican!

Want to see your life savings and your 401(k) scooped up by Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan every few years?

Vote Republican!

Want to see the Supreme Court continue to be as dishonest and politically biased as it’s been for the last 10 years?

Vote Republican!

Want to see the value of your home and the equity in your home disappear in the wake of the next financial crisis?

Vote Republican!

Want to see every public and private sector union in the country dismantled or disemboweled?

Vote Republican!

Want to be tricked into voting against your own best interests, election after election?

Vote Republican!

Want to see America turned into an international laughing stock by policies so unenlightened and self-serving they resemble those of South Africa under apartheid?

Vote Republican!

Want to lose your home to foreclosure?

Vote Republican!

Want your children to grow up in a country that only provides equal opportunity for the offspring of the wealthy?

Vote Republican!

Want to make the stupidest move a sentient, well-meaning American can make?

Vote Republican!

Want to prove you’re even dumber than that?

Tell your friends to vote Republican!