Tag Archives: America


Elizabeth Warren, what you see is what you get!

Nor is she someone who instinctively lies to undo every mess, crime or idiotic blunder she uncontrollably creates. Nor will she employ sycophants to kiss her backside and carry out her instructions, especially when those orders directly threaten the welfare and security of the United States. 

“Any chance we can lock up Hillary?”

Elizabeth Warren will not destroy the integrity of governmental institutions and agencies, nor nominate people who will strangle and defenestrate the very agencies they were hired to run. She will never nominate William Barr, Mike Pompeo, Mick Mulvaney nor Rudy Giuliani to hold positions (real or shadow) in our government. Not even when their prison terms come to an end.

Our allies the Kurds run for their lives.

Elizabeth Warren will never hold back congressionally authorized military aid to extort and corrupt defenseless nations. Nor will she insult our friends by calling them “shithole” countries. And when the United States intelligence agencies provide insights and guidance, she will not castigate and belittle their efforts. Nor will she take the word of foreign dictators over U.S. government agencies.

From “Tales From An Overheated Planet.” (paulstonesthrow.com/tales-from-an-overheated-planet-a-poster-series/)

Elizabeth Warren believes in man-made global warming and won’t let a loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires continue to cook the planet to their own satisfaction.

But that’s not all!

Elizabeth Warren won’t turn her back on United States allies. Especially those who have given thousands of lives to advance U.S. security. Nor will she turn her back on traditional allies who have walked with us through storm and strife. She will not weaken our most important alliances—not NATO, nor those with our partners at our borders.

And speaking of borders, Elizabeth Warren will not demonize our neighbors nor give domestic terrorists and white nationalists undeserved recognition and acceptance.

Happy Days are here again!

Elizabeth Warren will never enact tax reforms that pretend to help the middle class and actually put millions into the pockets of millionaires and billionaires. Tax reforms that decimate our treasury and eliminate any chance we have as a nation to raise up those among us who are struggling.

Elizabeth Warren believes health care is a right not a privilege. She believes in a government that cares enough about its people to provide universal health care—like the majority of industrialized nations—and protect them from instantaneous poverty from medical catastrophes. 

Elizabeth Warren has no need to deconstruct all accomplishments of Barack Obama, nor to wipe out or misconstrue all record of his accomplishments. 

” I want to talk with you about Ukraine.”

Most important of all, Elizabeth Warren believes governments exist to serve and benefit the welfare of their people rather than the avarice of those in charge. She will not reveal strange inclinations, crude behaviors nor a sudden affinity for dictators and tyrants once she takes office. Nor will she interfere with the honest functioning of all government departments and agencies. 

Lastly, Elizabeth Warren will not be subject to foreign influence or extortion. She owns no hotels, in Turkey or anywhere else, has no ambition to build a tower in Moscow, nor will she reap millions from foreign countries wishing to court her good favor. 

From an earlier day.

Elizabeth Warren has two children, neither of whom will show up on the government payroll. In her lifetime, for 70 long years, she has never been accused of rape or sexual assault; has never been unfaithful in either of her marriages, and never grabbed any strangers by their sexual organs. 

Not even when she was doing her best imitation of Donald J. Trump.

The Real Thing!


America The (Once) Beautiful

Has there ever been a time in our history when the moral fabric that undergirds America’s laws and behavior has been so shredded that it represents an immediate threat to the republic’s survival?

If not, then that time has arrived. 


Under President Donald J. Trump.

The Existential Threat himself.

Trump is not merely a rogue president, or a half-demented billionaire run amuck with the playground toys of the presidency. He is a clear and present danger whose actions and words repeatedly challenge the principles of justice, ethics and humanity this country was founded upon. 

Under Trump, America is no longer one nation indivisible, but one nation totally divided. Under Trump, neighbor is encouraged to hate and fear neighbor, branches of the government no longer work together, and the Truth has become so twisted and tormented it is most often unrecognizable.

Can’t help but wonder what
they’re plotting…?

Under Trump there is no transparency or honoring of tradition to explain any of his aberrant behavior. Should we be surprised that the same man who colluded with Russia, a de facto enemy, to steal the 2016 election, is the very President who used military aid to extort the Ukraine to dig up dirt on a political rival? A Ukraine so weak and under threat by Russia that its very existence could hang in the balance?

Under Trump, Republicans appear to have abandoned their values, their commitment to national security and their ability to recognize or speak the truth. 

Under Trump, none of the ordinary safeguards of the two-party political system appear to be in place. Rather than serve the nation that pays their salaries, Trump’s political sycophants give their allegiance to Trump in the same way Mafia soldiers serve their Don. 

The Great Seal of Ukraine
(Not a shithole country!)

In light of the events of the last two days, it is sadly obvious that the Departments of State and Justice have become rogue arms of our government. Where one appears to have dived head first into the attempt to bully the Ukraine at the expense of our National Security, the other is totally focused on protecting a President whose every word and deed seems to defy our laws and Constitution.

And now both departments have drawn their wagons in a circle around the White House.

Hang on, Nelly!

And now, under Trump, these forces battle to hold onto the levers of power they were never worthy of in the first place. And Trump will never release those levers, no matter what happens.

If he goes down, he’ll try to take all of us with him. Count on it!

And what about us? 

Like children caught in the crossfire, we are left to watch—shocked, frightened and frozen—as the United States government under Trump, undergoes a psychotic breakdown, and attempts, against all rational belief, to turn a lie into the truth, and a country into a nation of dullards too stupid to know the difference.

Under Trump, we are all in danger. 

Especially those of us who don’t know it.

A Declaration of Interdependence

scrollWE THE PEOPLE of the free and independent United States herby declare our interconnectedness and responsibility for one another. Recognizing that we were originally formed as a political unit to throw off the cruelties and deprivations of a despotic ruler, we re-commit ourselves to those principles which set us apart from nations whose inhumanity and enrichment of their ruling classes have repressed and inflicted undue harm upon their general populations from time immemorial.

In light of recent activities and political maneuverings by the moneyed classes of our society, we feel the need to once again state those values we believe are embodied or implied in both our nation’s Constitution and Declaration of Independence, namely that…

  • All citizens are entitled to unhindered access to those essentials necessary in a modern society to foster Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, including a healthy diet, safe and affordable housing, an advanced education, an unbiased political system, freedom from fear or repression, and a government committed as an overriding philosophy to the avoidance of war and the pursuit of peace.
  • To secure such essentials, it is necessary to immediately develop and institute such rules of behavior and political jurisprudence that acknowledge and reestablish the equality of all individuals in our society; those actions to include…

-Removing the power and influence of money from all democratic institutions and political activities, understanding that, far from engendering free speech, the unfettered flow of money will allow moneyed interests to drown out the voices of those with lesser wealth or influence;

– Restoring a fair and equitable tax system that recognizes all individuals benefit equally from systems, protections and services provided by our national and local governments, and that more should be expected from those who because of circumstance or dint of effort have a preponderance of a nation’s wealth, while less should be taken from those who have little enough for themselves;

– Restoring equal justice and punishment to those at all levels of our society, so that those who caused economic chaos and destruction in pursuit of their own selfish outcomes, as well as those who unleashed the dogs of war for no good cause, and those who authorized or committed acts of torture, are given a fair and impartial trial before the eyes of the world, as a lesson to others and a clear indicator of our commitment to the rule of law, even for the most powerful among us;

– Gradually reducing the country’s dependence on, and thrall to, the military industrial complex. Recognizing that, as we’ve recently seen, weak-minded or short-sighted leaders can make unfortunate military decisions that often result in unnecessary death, destruction and the wasteful expenditure of national wealth. Also recognizing that the maintenance of a large global military footprint not only increases the likelihood of a country being drawn into war, but significantly reduces those assets available for keeping commitments to its citizens at all levels of the socio-economic ladder.

We offer the above Declaration of Interdependence as a road map for our country to begin returning to its rightful path, to once again become a beacon on a hill to other nations, a paragon of virtue among world powers, driven equally by principle and compassion, and untroubled by the internal strife that rules public debate when blind self-interest and self-righteous bravado hold sway.

So offered for consideration on this Fourth of July, 2015.


Offered again at the anniversary of our nation’s founding in the hope that we can once again find our way through the dark to a higher sense of ourselves and our commitment to each other.

So may it be!



My Declaration of Interdependence

WE THE PEOPLE of the free and independent United States herby declare our interconnectedness and responsibility for one another. Recognizing that we were originally formed as a political unit to throw off the cruelties and deprivations of a despotic ruler, we re-commit ourselves to those flagprinciples which set us apart from nations whose inhumanity and enrichment of their ruling classes have repressed and inflicted undue harm upon their general populations from time immemorial.

In light of recent activities and political maneuverings by the moneyed classes of our society, we feel the need to once again state those values we believe are embodied or implied in both our nation’s Constitution and Declaration of Independence, namely that…

• All citizens are entitled to unhindered access to those essentials necessary in a modern society to foster Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, including (but not limited to) a healthy diet, safe and affordable housing, an advanced education, an unbiased political system, freedom from fear or repression, and a government committed as an overriding philosophy to the avoidance of war and the pursuit of peace.

• To secure such essentials, it is necessary to immediately develop and institute such rules of behavior and political jurisprudence that acknowledge and reestablish the equality of all individuals in our society; those actions to include…

– Removing the power and influence of money from all democratic institutions and political activities, understanding that, far from engendering free speech, the unfettered flow of money will allow moneyed interests to drown out the voices of those with lesser wealth or influence;

– Restoring a fair and equitable tax system that recognizes all individuals benefit equally from systems, protections and services provided by our national and local governments, and that more should be expected from those who because of circumstance or dint of effort have a preponderance of a nation’s wealth, while less should be taken from those who have little enough for themselves;

– Restoring equal justice and punishment to those at all levels of our society, so that those who caused economic chaos and destruction in pursuit of their own selfish outcomes, as well as those who unleashed the dogs of war for no good cause, and those who authorized or committed acts of torture, are given a fair and impartial trial before the eyes of the world, as a lesson to others and a clear indicator of our commitment to the rule of law, even for the most powerful among us;

– Gradually reducing the country’s dependence on, and thrall to, the military industrial complex. Recognizing that, as we’ve recently seen, weak-minded or short-sighted leaders can make unfortunate military decisions that often result in unnecessary death, destruction and wasteful expenditure of national wealth. Also recognizing that the maintenance of a large global military footprint not only increases the likelihood of a country being drawn into war, but significantly reduces those assets available for keeping commitments to its citizens at all levels of the socio-economic ladder.

We offer the above Declaration of Interdependence as a road map for our country to begin returning to its rightful path, to once again become a beacon on a hill to other nations, a paragon of virtue among world powers, driven equally by principle and compassion, and untroubled by the internal strife that rules public debate when blind self-interest and self-righteousness hold sway.

So offered for consideration on this Fourth of July, 2014.

Paul Steven Stone


Forgive me for sharing this once again. I fervently believe we have lost sight of our basic American ideals, which have been mostly drowned by the money and influence of the 1% richest and most powerful in our land, and that we need to periodically remind ourselves we are all traveling in the same boat together; that we have been given arms to reach out to help others or, if necessary, to receive what is being offered. It is time to re-establish our priorities so that people come before corporations, and equality of opportunity and justice are truly shared by all.