Tag Archives: Criminal


NO MORE will we listen to your lies, those infamies that breed faster than fruit flies and spew from your mouth like the overflow stench from a flooded septic system.  

NO MORE will we afford respect or dignity to those scabrous Republicans who traded their self-respect and integrity for a seat at your table, to nibble on rancid scraps from your leftovers, and pretend they adore you so that their clueless followers will adore them. Theirs is the more disgraceful behavior since you were born the way you are, and they willingly bargained away their souls to become little more than your echo.

NO MORE will we watch you gobble like a pig from the public trough. No more will we watch you—like a squealing pig hunting for truffles—sniff out odious and nefarious ways to turn the people’s presidency into a money-making operation. 

NO MORE will we allow you to denigrate the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country safe and free so that sons of millionaires like yourself could stay home safely with their non-existent bone spurs.

NO MORE will we allow you to sow hatred and division in a country that was built on the belief that all of us are equal, and equally deserving of opportunity, security and happiness no matter our religion or skin color.

NO MORE will we allow you to defame and belittle immigrants, nor brutally tear families apart—children wrenched from their mothers’ breasts, or placed in cages—to deter others from seeking out the American Dream.

NO MORE will we watch helplessly as you turn every day of the week into a crisis of Trumpian proportions. No more will we watch—helplessly again—as the self-serving and criminally-inclined sycophants you install in government positions get called out for breaking the public trust, as well as breaking the nation’s laws.

NO MORE will we watch as you make a fool of yourself on the world stage, pushing leaders aside to get to the front of the group, disgracefully sniffing Putin’s fingers for a scent of the power you so envy, threatening to disassemble NATO, the greatest force for peace and stability on the planet.

NO MORE will we watch as you heedlessly destroy the norms, practices and rituals that define our sense of America as protector of our rights and leader of the free world. Nor will you continue to upend the values we share as Americans every day. No longer will selfishness, treachery, dishonesty, cruelty and avarice reign supreme in the corridors of power, nor will you ever again play both jester and king for your sole benefit and delight.   

NO MORE will we accept with stoic silence your description of America as no longer great. We will agree that for the four years of your virulent presidency America’s greatness was darkly dimmed and placed on life support. But in November we will shout “NO MORE” so loudly at the ballot box it will echo around the world, and you will no longer be able to escape your fate as an insurrectionist and betrayer of America’s secrets.

And then, at long last, our national nightmare will come to an end. And you, Donald J. Trump, rapist, business fraud, convicted felon, congenital liar and con man extraordinaire  will threaten our democracy, our constitution, our institutions, our traditions and my fucking peace of mind NO MORE.

And that’s how we’ll Make America Great Again.