Tag Archives: Donald J. Trump


How could we elect someone whose very instinct is to
destroy what we’ve created over centuries?

How have we come to this?

How has America, once the world’s leader in extending hope, compassion and critical assistance to a world standing beneath our shadow, undergone such a size-mic shift in empathy and generosity?

How could we, the richest nation in the world—in the history of the world!—suddenly view the pain and suffering of others, whether they be Mexican immigrants, Kurdish allies or American Covid-19 casualties, as of little or no concern?

When did we make such a tragic and perverse turn in direction?

As I suspect you already know, it happened when we gave in to America’s worst impulses, its craven fears and our most selfish values. They were buried beneath the surface of the high-minded ideals that have carried us forward from the days of our founders.

It happened when we elected Donald J. Trump as our 45th president.

And it happened because we unknowingly elected THE SMALLEST MAN IN THE WORLD to captain our ship of state and bring us safely through the sudden storms and dangerous waters we would inevitably face. A man unfit for the job both in temperament and character. A man so driven by his own sense of self-importance and self-indulgence, he is unable to see the needs of others, the true functions of government or the importance of our traditional values.

In fact, Donald Trump is unable to see anything except in relation to his own well-being and his puffed-up narcissistic view of Donald J. Trump. If it increases his wealth, it is good. If it weakens his enemy, it is good. If it redounds to his self-created legend, it is beautiful!

In Donald Trump’s mind, better to kill off tens of thousands of Americans than admit his inaction or inept response to a pandemic was in any way his own fault. If Americans had to die to protect his reputation, then they died in a worthy cause. No reason for regret or tears. Anything Donald J. Trump does, or doesn’t do, must be the right thing. 

Conversely, anything left undone by Donald J. Trump, should never have been done in the first place.

Thus the reasoning of THE SMALLEST MAN IN THE WORLD. The man who would pit the power of the government against anyone who would oppose him. The man who would politicize the workings of government so that his friends’ crimes would be forgiven, and his friends’ taxes decreased and his business interests would be the primary beneficiary of his foreign relations.

As Nancy Pelosi said,
“With Trump, all roads lead to Putin.

Nobody is too small to escape his wrath. Not Alexander Vindman, whose career in the military was squashed after he testified against Trump for an extortionary phone call with the president of Ukraine. Not Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan, who Trump still assails to his followers, even after her thwarted kidnapping. Not the territory of Puerto Rico who, for reasons known only to Trump, has earned his undying enmity. Not Michael Cohen. Not Nancy Pelosi. Not the Democrats. Not Mitt Romney. Not Andrew Cuomo. Not Blue states. Not the United States Post Office.

And not Anthony Fauci whose only real crime was to earn the trust of the American people where Trump could not.

It took us 44 previous presidents to arrive at the man who would tear this nation apart and drag it down, if that’s what it takes to raise himself above the flag. And above us all.

Ironic to think THE SMALLEST MAN IN THE WORLD is so blinded by his narcissism, he believes himself bigger than America.

And by the time he’s done, he just might be right.


To any U.S. Gov’t. employee ordered by Trump, Barr, Pompeo or any of Swamp Creatures’ minions to violate your responsibility to the American people, DON’T DO IT! Civilian employee or military, “Just say “NO!”

You’re in deep shit when you elect a president who would be king!

As he has proven countless times, Trump will do anything, say anything—violate any oath—to win re-election. Had he worked as hard to govern our country these last four years, he might actually deserve reelection. But as someone recently said, “It is what it is.” 

When asked to violate your values, your oath to the Constitution, JUST SAY “NO!”

Most worrisome, the U.S. government has become so politicized that Trump’s high level stooges have shown no hesitation in using their positions of power to disgrace themselves in service to their leader. Whether it’s crippling the post office, mounting a bogus political investigation, hiding the truth about a pandemic, or extorting political favors from Ukraine, the Trump gang is without any moral compass or inhibitions. 

When asked to violate your values, your oath to the Constitution, or your personal commitment to integrity, JUST SAY NO!” 

Make no mistake, it will not be easy. In standing up to these scrubbed-up thugs and sycophants, you’ll be displaying the courage and integrity they so sorely lack. And they will hate you for it. But in taking a stand, as others are doing in increasing numbers, you will help create momentum for a post-election commission to forge a pathway back to jobs abandoned by PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE in our government. 

It will not be easy standing up to these scrubbed-up thugs and sycophants.

Make no mistake, the Trump gang will be in full panic mode leading up to the election, and they will have no hesitation in enlisting your assistance, even though that would be illegal. You had best be prepared and assume you will be tested. 

And when that time comes…

JUST SAY “NO!” to participating in political actions you will regret all your life.


Let’s help Donald Trump make history!
As the first president to be impeached twice.


Donald Trump has committed a grossly impeachable offense with his dereliction of duty in ignoring the Coronavirus.

Play it one more time, please!

Tapes prove in Trump’s own voice that he not only knew about the coming “plague” as he called it, but that he chose to lie to the American people. He was still lying up to the minute he was confronted with tapes that showed he knew the truth about the deadly virus.

If you are uncertain about the magnitude of Trump’s malfeasance, consider that Canada has experienced only 9,211 deaths as of September 20, 2020! The same day the U.S. coronavirus death total topped 200,000.

In choosing to lie rather than act, in treating the rising threat as a PR problem rather than a matter of life and death, tens of thousands of Americans died unnecessarily, and are continuing to die in the face of his continuing failure to act or develop a national plan.

And when Trump finally chose to act, it was only to set state against state, competing against each other to procure life-saving medical equipment and personal protective gear. Equipment that could have been manufactured by American companies under the Defense Emergency Act. Equipment that could have been manufactured in the time Trump wasted leading up to the pandemic.

Members of Congress, If you do nothing else before events continue to spiral downward and out of control, IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP FOR DERELICTION OF DUTY and GROSS NEGLIGENCE LEADING TO MASS MANSLAUGHTER.

It’s the least we can do.

Not sure we can prove treason, but dereliction of duty is a dunk shot.


Bad things happen when you elect a president who would be king!

Even if you support Swamp Creature’s policies, you cannot easily defend his character (or lack thereof). He is a devout liar. He lies repeatedly, constantly and with no concern for the impact of his lies. The Washington Post has counted over 20,000 lies or falsehoods since our national agony first began. And don’t forget, his lies now come with a mounting death toll!

A walk among the losers and suckers.

Trump doesn’t just disdain soldiers, the honored dead, Black-Americans, Native-Americans, immigrants, citizens of “shithole” countries and those struggling to survive in America today, he disdains ANYONE who doesn’t share his white-privileged world view, ANYONE who refuses to pay him obeisance, ANYONE who obstructs his attempts to totally dominate the American Constitution and its institutions. Trump is the only president to mount a full-bore frontal assault on the Constitution, far greater than anything attempted by Richard Nixon. Our American system of checks and balances has been thrown out the window and is currently on life support.

Trump, Melania and Jeffrey Epstein

Simply put, the man is a creep! He ogles teenage girls, makes salacious comments as the mood and his libido moves him. He treats women like objects. To date, 25 women have accused him of actions—from groping to rape—usually perpetrated by sexual predators. His acts of petty revenge are reminiscent of a mob boss who regularly proves his viciousness to keep his thugs in line.

I keep waiting to see some flicker of compassion or concern for those whose lives he has forever altered by his criminally negligent response to the coronavirus. The man hasn’t a smidgeon of compassion. He has basically washed his hands of the wildfire destruction out West and its thousands of American victims. His only response was a convenient prediction that colder weather will soon extinguish the flames. Frighteningly similar to his prediction that the virus would simply disappear.

Sorry, we’re closed!

Where is the compassion for those who come to us seeking refuge and shelter? If any country deserves to have a Statue of Liberty welcoming “huddled masses yearning to breathe free” it isn’t Trump’s America. Right this moment, his underlings are separating families at the border and putting children in cages.

Lastly for now, Swamp Creature has NO INTEGRITY. He and his cronies have virtually looted the United States Treasury. One way or another his children are on the government dime. He routinely charges full price—up to $650 a night—to house Secret Service agents forced by their mission to stay at his hotels. He has placed incompetent cronies and campaign workers in critical government positions. His foreign relations more commonly serve Russia’s benefit than America’s. Single-handedly, Trump has made a mockery of the emoluments clause of the Constitution.

Today, the painful truth is, America’s president is unworthy of its founders’ vision or its historical commitment to serve as a bulwark to protect democracy. Today, the greatest threat to democracy is the man elected to defend it.

Simply put, folks, THIS MAN IS A SCUMBAG and we have to vote him out! It’s way past time Trump paid a price for his divisive, criminal, and boorish behavior. 

It’s also time we told Putin to get the hell out of our lives!


There was a little boy

Whose fears kept him awake

So every night

his mother rocked him 

and told him not to shake.

“Say goodnight to each fear”


“Say goodnight to each fear,” she said

“Like a friend in the dark.

And when you rise next morning

Your fears will all depart.”


With trembling lips

The boy said goodnight

To each scary monster

That gave him a fright.

“A true horror story!


Goodnight Mr. Pandemic,

Goodnight Chinese Flu strain 

Goodnight to all your victims

Who’ll never be seen again.


And Goodnight to ventilators

That never quite arrived

It’s no big deal now

Since their patients

George Floyd

Did not survive


And goodnight to the riots

And peaceful protests, too

Goodnight to all policemen

Who should learn when not to shoot


Goodnight global warming,

And hurricanes, droughts and fires

Goodnight to the West Coast

You make such beautiful pyres

Goodnight California!

 Goodnight California

And Oregon, too

Someone should have warned ya

There’s no future in being blue


Goodnight fair elections

And democracy I once knew

Goodnight Merry Mailmen

So sad, he screwed you too


“Goodnight ink-black sky.”

Goodnight ink-black sky

Goodnight darkened room

Goodbye to all I loved

Goodnight my sense of doom


Goodnight most of all

A monarch in his own mind.

To those who stoke unrest

Goodnight Fox News

 And, Goodnight, of course

To The Stoker who’s the best


Yes, Goodnight to the President

And to all his desperate demons

Goodnight to his seventh bankruptcy

Goodnight Kellyane Fib-Leaf”

Goodnight his band of cretins


Goodnight Kellyanne Fib Leaf

Goodnight General Lying Flynn

Goodnight to their Liar-In-Chief

And the man who’s his Rasputin.


The Devil and his disciple



With deepest thanks and apologies to Margaret Rise Brown, author of “Goodnight Moon,” a classic American children’s picture book first published in 1947.