My funny quarantine,
Sad, frightened quarantine,
You make me smile
With each swipe
Of your alcohol wipe,
Your actions
Win my heart
As both do our part,
You my neurotic
Me, your lockdown
How quickly to the store
I can dart,
Face masked in
Snoopy pajama art,
Gloves covering
Both my hands,
The kind doctors wear
To probe your glands,
Stay in, funny quarantine, stay
Each day is the same
In almost every way.
Each day is quarantine Day.
Your eyes never leave
Our TV,
Scared by the
Dark shit on MSNBC,
But don’t change
The channel for me,
Fox News frankly
Scares me
Stay, Dr. Fauci, please stay!
And send the buffoon
Far away!
Each day is quarantine day.
Each day is quarantine day
Another blog post that was mysteriously removed from my archives. My apologies if I’ve stumbled a bit in trying to recreate the original text.