Daily Archives: January 20, 2016

Channeling Bernie #9


I have to confess I’m growing weary of people telling me Bernie is a one-issue candidate. These folks equate his stance on income inequality as somehow separate from his stance on the minimum wage, Social Security, eliminating college debt, early childhood education or income tax restructuring. The simple truth is they are ALL related, because if the wealthy have all the money, and the Republicans help them retain as much of it as possible, there won’t be any money available for any of Bernie’s other priorities. Ironic that the wealthiest (read Koch brothers!) are the chief proponents of starving government so it cannot function as a bulwark for its citizens against ignorance, hunger or poverty. Go Bernie, Go! And thank you!!

This ad is NOT authorized or endorsed by the Bernie Sanders campaign.

To read Channeling Bernie #1, the first in the ad series, click here. To read Channeling Bernie #2, second in the series, click here. To read Channeling Bernie #3, click here. To read Channeling Bernie #4, click here. To read Channeling Bernie #5, click here. To read Channeling Bernie #6, click here. To read Channeling Bernie #7, click here. To read Channeling Bernie #8, click here.