Tag Archives: Donal J. Trump Traitor


RADIO ANNOUNCER: Today’s special offer is something you don’t need, and would never want in your house around the children. It’s DONALD TRUMP, Republican candidate for President of the United States. DONALD TRUMP, insurrectionist, liar, misogynist, rapist, business cheat—and, yes, the twice-impeached, four-time criminal indictee himself…DONALD TRUMP. the man who turned “Grab ‘em by the pussy” into his life’s mission. The man whose silk ties were made in China, but whose heart belongs to Vladdy. Now, today, for the price of a single vote, we’ll send you a president who promises to lock up all his political enemies, and to replace the entire federal work force with lackeys, stooges, and sycophants. Even if you hated his steaks, his vodka, his bible, or even his golden tennis shoes—yes, even if you raided your kid’s college fund to sign up for Trump University—we guarantee your complete satisfaction with  (PAUSE) The Second Coming of Donald Trump! An action figure today, a global nightmare tomorrow.

Offer not available wherever sanity or common sense prevails.


“Step right up, folks. Don’t miss your chance to help send a soon-to-be-convicted traitor to the White House for four years of unbridled chicanery and chaos.

“If you thought Trump 1 broke all the rules, violated all norms, and opened up the U.S. Treasury to widescale looting by the billionaire class, well wait till you see Trump 2.

“The beauty of this election,” New Hampshire officials say, “is the value you get for your money.  Because in New Hampshire you get multiple votes.

“Did you hear that?

“Not just one vote, but multiple votes!

“Imagine how you will dazzle your friends! Today, for one day only, you can vote for TRUMP THE TRAITOR at the same time you’re voting for TRUMP THE BUSINESS FRAUD, as well as TRUMP THE SEXUAL PREDATOR and TRUMP THE INCURABLE LIAR. And Let’s not forget TRUMP THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER . That’s at least 5 votes you get when you’re casting just one.

“Just be aware that the Republican Party no longer accepts or acknowledges all votes for their opponents, insisting they would never win another election if they accepted the will of the people.

”So remember, Today is “VOTE FOR A TRAITOR DAY” in New Hampshire. 

Or not.