Daily Archives: October 31, 2016


Dear Democratic Party: I am the alienated child who once sat at your family table. After 70 years of living on this Earth I can honestly say I have always voted Democratic in our national elections.

All that has changed.

i-thinkIt changed the day I realized Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz had not only tipped the scales in favor of Hillary’s campaign, but were actually taking an odorous dump on the Constitution by interfering with my guaranteed right to vote for whomever I wish. That was a giant “F@#k You!” to me and to all the Democrats and Independents who chose to vote for someone other than Hillary in your rigged Democratic primaries.

No small matter, to invalidate the Constitutional rights of 13-15 million voters who, like me, voted—or tried to vote—for Bernie Sanders and later discovered their votes were suppressed, flipped, thrown out, shredded or never recorded.

By rigging the primaries you chose to turn on your own party members, like a rabid animal who bites its masters. So, to repay you in kind I’ve decided I will never vote for a Democrat running for national office until someone acknowledges the DNC’s criminal assault on our democracy and—god damn it!—finally APOLOGIZES!

And no more of that pretend apology crap from Donna Brazile!

The election fraud was an assault on your own party members, as well as voteindependent voters, who mistakenly thought your primaries and caucuses were run fairly. This was an abrogation of the fundamental reason you exist! It was also a criminal action which, if nothing else, proved handily that Hillary Clinton was never worthy of the position to which she aspired.

Believe me, I took careful note of your infamy. And then, one morning, the moment of truth arrived. With great satisfaction, as an early voting voter, I happily filled in the oval for the only candidates whose political leanings, policies, governing philosophy and humanitarian outlook most closely mirrored that of Bernie Sanders.

Not surprisingly, Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka were also the only candidates in the presidential race who stood up for the Standing Rock tribe in their ongoing human rights struggle. A struggle that pits Big Oil’s hunger for profit against The People’s right to protect their water supply.

The least I could do was stand up for those who stood up for my fellow Americans. So I voted Green. Not that it made much difference, I suspect, but  hopefully my vote helped the Green Party in its long journey to become a viable political party. What better way to break free of the current duopoly that now controls our country than to elevate the Green Party to join the national slugfest?

There’s a Democratic President now (circa October 2016) in the White House who has turned his back on Standing Rock and the promises he made years ago to America’s indigenous population. He has left these non-violent, native-American protesters to be beaten by militarized police, shot with rubber bullets, attacked by dogs, violently arrested and, ironically, charged with trespassing on the same barren land earlier generations forced them to inhabit many years ago.

I voted twice for this Democratic president. But lately I find him unrecognizable from the man I voted for. The man I voted for wouldn’t be pushing the TPP trade deal, wouldn’t be signing the Monsanto Protection Act and, especially, wouldn’t be treating the Standing Rock Sioux as if they didn’t exist. The man I voted for would have stopped the political party he supposedly leads from cheating. And he would have never have had the audacity or bad judgement to endorse Hillary Clinton while she was still under FBI investigation.

Or so I thought.

If I could take back my votes for Barack Obama I would, but the most I can do now is make sure those are the last votes ANY national Democratic candidate gets from me.

Am I speaking clearly enough to be heard in Washington? I doubt it.

The Democratic Party has corrupted and destroyed their brand (see my essay “Brand Suicide”) but you can bet they’ll come back asking for my vote.

Sorry, guys, I’m not that stupid.

And definitely not that forgiving.


*Hashtag translations:

#Demexit: I’m leaving the Democratic Party. 

#Damnexit: I’m leaving the Democratic Party and may you rot in hell for stealing my vote!


Read my “HILLARY CHRONICLES,” ten essays about David (Bernie) getting shafted by Goliath (Hillary) and her merry band of Philistines. The ten essays (in order of appearance): “BRAND SUICIDE, the Destruction of the Democratic Brand in 2016,” “The CDC Issues “CLINTON TOXICITY ALERT!” Warns Contact Could Prove Fatal To One’s Reputation,” “DEMOCRATS USE RUSSIANS AS SHIELD TO RE-FOCUS EMAIL STORY—PR PLOY OF THE CENTURY,”  “IS THAT YOUR IDEA OF AN APOLOGY?” AND  “DON’T BLAME ME IF I CRITICIZE HILLARY.” “Battle For The Presidency: The Gonzo Versus The Gonif,  “Sorry Bernie, We Still Can’t Trust Hillary,” “Sorry Hillary, We Can Never Forget—or Forgive—Your Stealing The Nomination,” “CONNECTING THE DOTS”, The Frightening Underbelly of the 2016 Presidential Election, “THE AUDACITY OF AUDACITY, the stealing of the American presidency 2016

Also, my post for young aspiring journalists looking to avoid the obvious pitfalls of working in corporate media: How To Spot A Stolen Presidential Election.

Also about the election: Why Millennials Will Never Vote For Hillary.What Did Obama Know And When Did He Know It?, Have You Had This Talk With Your Children yet?

And lastly, to relive those glorious days of the Bernie campaign, check out mine and Bill Dahlgren’s .“CHANNELING BERNIE,” ad campaign. 51 glorious ads in pursuit of the real American Dream.